Amosando publicacións coa etiqueta SIXTH GRADE. Amosar todas as publicacións
Amosando publicacións coa etiqueta SIXTH GRADE. Amosar todas as publicacións

mércores, 10 de marzo de 2021


Hello guys. I'm Diego and I'm going to tell you things about my favourite book collection, which is...


                                                         Resultado de imagen de geronimo stilton personajeResultado de imagen de geronimo stilton personaje


And the writer who is...

Elisabetta Dami

The published books do not mention Dami's name as the author, 
as they appear as the work of Geronimo Stilton.
In addition to work, Dami loves adventure and exploration: she has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro,
she has trekked in Nepal, she has participated in the desert marathon, she has done parachute jumps,
and she also has a pilot's license.

Geronimo Stilton

He lives in ratonia, the island of mice and is the director of the Echo of the Rodent, the most famous newspaper of the island of mice.

He always gets in trouble with his friends and relatives, 

Tea Stilton:

Sporty and determined, Tea, Geronimo's sister, is the special envoy for El Eco del Roedor (The Echo of the Rodent) and she is the exact opposite of "her brother's scared." she drives any means of locomotion, from motorcycles to airplanes, loves extreme sports and adventure travel; she loves to skydive and is a karate black belt.

Trampita Stilton:

He is Geronimo's cousin, he is mocking and annoying. His favorite victim is precisely poor Geronimo.
Trampita is a cheerful rodent: he has friends all over Ratonia, even in the unsavory harbor area.
His favorite hobby is cooking for the family.





Hello everybody! Tenemos nuevas secciones, a partir de ahora, vosotros vais a comentar los libros, las pelis, la música y los juegos que mas os gustan. Hoy comenzamos con Carla de 6ºA y ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!

Anne of Green Gables is a book by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It is about a orphan girl who lives in a house called Green Gables with Marilla and Matthew.

Ana de las tejas verdes 1. La llegada. (INOLVIDABLES):  Montgomery, Lucy Maud, Sanchez, Ana Isabel: LibrosANA DE LAS TEJAS VERDES ( LIBRO I ) de LUCY MAUD MONTGOMERY | Casa del Libro


It is too a TV program in Netflix called Anne with an "E" based in Ann of Green Gables. It is very interesting!


Anne, la de Tejados Verdes" de Lucy Maud Montgomery  

This is the trailer:


I like a lot the book and the program!!!


xoves, 18 de febreiro de 2021


                     Check out this song, it's the one chosen by the 6th graders to sing and dance!

They say oh my god I see the way you shine
Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine
You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my I, I, I like your style
You, you make me, make me, make me wanna cry
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

 So they say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again

I said oh my god I see you walking by
Take my hands, my dear, and look me in my eyes
Just like a monkey I've been dancing my whole life
But you just beg to see me dance just one more time

Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my I, I like your style
You, you make me, make me, make me wanna cry
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

 So they say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again

 They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again

Woah-oh, woah-oh, oh
Ah ah, ah

 They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again

They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
All again

Toni Watson, known professionally as Tones and I, is an Australian singer and songwriter. Her breakout single, "Dance Monkey", was released in May 2019 and reached number one in over 30 countries.

domingo, 14 de febreiro de 2021

venres, 13 de novembro de 2020


 hello everyone! try to find the names of all the jobs in this word wheel

luns, 2 de novembro de 2020

Halloween 2020

 Hi everybody! Here we are again!

Last year it was the Tunnel of Horror...

This year everything happened at the music room...

You can watch our terrifying Halloween video here!

martes, 16 de xuño de 2020


Here we have Naia as "The Son of Man" by René Magritte...

...and Laura María as "Young Decadent" by Ramón Casas.

venres, 12 de xuño de 2020


Aquí están las "Living Paintings" de Ricardo y Marta que estaban ocultas y teníais problemas para ver!

mércores, 3 de xuño de 2020


Hi guys! We have another living painting. 
This time we can see Puri from 6A interpreting a detail from Renoir's painting "Luncheon of the Boating Party"

Send your living painting (5th and 6th grade) to:  (5th) (6th)

luns, 18 de maio de 2020


Hi guys, si vos gustaron os portrais, botádelle unha ollada ás living paintings que nos empezan a chegar, animádevos a enviar a vosa!
premer na imaxe para velas todas:

martes, 5 de maio de 2020


Activity for primary 5th and 6th 

Do you remember how to make a portrait? 

A continuación, adxunto un documento con instruccións, facede un retrato dun familiar, un autoretrato  ou o retrato de dun profe se aínda vos lembrades de nos! 

Se queredes mandar unha foto co resultado (ou para calquera consulta)  (5th) (6th)

venres, 24 de abril de 2020


Visita a nosa páxina Arts and Crafts!

Become a living painting!

Algúns museos están propoñendo un reto para levar mellor esta corentena: imitar un cadro co que se teña na casa.
Propoñémosvos o mesmo reto para bucear na Historia da Arte.

Teredes que mandar a foto co título do cadro, a poder ser en inglés, aos correos:  (5º primaria) (6º primaria)
Animade a vosa familia tamén a participar se quere.

A continuación podedes ver algúns exemplos pero podedes reinterpretar outros diferentes.


luns, 20 de abril de 2020


Hi everybody, Harland sent this recipe.

Make your delicious chocolate chip cookies with Harland!