xoves, 28 de maio de 2020
mércores, 27 de maio de 2020
More Living Paintings
We have two more contributions!
take a look at Lía and Lara.
Lía performing "At the Dressing Table, Self-Portrait" by zinaída yevguénievna Serebriakova.
Lara performing "Girl With a Dog"
We have two more contributions!
take a look at Lía and Lara.
Lía performing "At the Dressing Table, Self-Portrait" by zinaída yevguénievna Serebriakova.
Lara performing "Girl With a Dog"
martes, 19 de maio de 2020
luns, 18 de maio de 2020
Hi guys, si vos gustaron os portrais, botádelle unha ollada ás living paintings que nos empezan a chegar, animádevos a enviar a vosa!
premer na imaxe para velas todas:
premer na imaxe para velas todas:
xoves, 14 de maio de 2020
This will help you with unit five!
Click on the pictures to hear the correct sentence.
Prepositions of Place, una ficha interactiva de JavierSouto
mércores, 6 de maio de 2020
4th grade
Hi guys! here is the unit 5 lesson 1 video,Remember you can watch the song video on your virtual classbook (at blinklearning) by clicking on the icon:
3rd grade
Hi guys! here is the unit 5 lesson 1 video,Remember you can watch the song video on your virtual classbook (at blinklearning) by clicking on the icon:
martes, 5 de maio de 2020
Activity for primary 5th and 6th
Do you remember how to make a portrait?
A continuación, adxunto un documento con instruccións, facede un retrato dun familiar, un autoretrato ou o retrato de dun profe se aínda vos lembrades de nos!
Se queredes mandar unha foto co resultado (ou para calquera consulta)
aranchamiguez@edu.xunta.es (5th)
javier@teachers.org (6th)
Hey, we love tongue twisters!
Enter this fantastic page, choose two tongue twisters and practise.We will play tongue twisters in our third grade and fourth grade videoconference!
click on the image
Videoconference schedule:
3rd A: Wednesday 11:003rd B: Thursday 11:30
4th A: Thursday 12:30
4th B: Wednesday 12:00
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